The Case Queue, accessible from the top navigation bar within the Provider Module provides a macro level view of all cases managed in the system. The cases queue allows for navigation into individual member records and provides an ability to search all cases either by the case type or the name of the member.

Filtering Capabilities
The task queue includes the following filtering capabilities. Filter by:
- Client(s)
- Project(s)
- Assigned User
- Case Type
- Case Status
Bulk Reassignment Capabilities
- The cases queue include checkboxes for each case
- The user can select cases one-by-one or
- All within the current page by selecting the checkbox within the header
- User with the is_manager permission will see a “Reassign” button in the upper right of the interface
- Clicking the button will open a modal with options for the user to select if they wish to reassign the selected cases to a user
- The user can select a user
- Clicking the “Reassign Cases” button will prompt the user to confirm they wish to reassign the selected cases before the system executes on the reassignment