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Uploading Paper Encounters

The clinical quality module will automatically populate encounters in the provider complete status whereby the documentation was completed within the Curitics Provider module. Where clinical documentation exists outside of Curitics, it can be uploaded from the Coder Queue.

This process involves clicking the “Upload Encounter” button in the upper right screen and then while prompted inputting:

  • The associated member/patient
  • Indicating the provider who conducted the encounter
  • Indicate the project in which the encounter should be assigned to
  • Indicate the appointment type to associate with the encounter
  • The date of the encounter
  • The time of the encounter

Clicking the “Submit” button generates the encounter and adds the record to the Coder Queue with a transcription status of “Pending”.

After clicking the “Transcribe” button, users are directed to a new interface which facilitates transcription of the uploaded encounter documentation into the clinical documentation template associated with the assigned project.

If an OCR template is configured as part of your implementation, sections of the transcription form will be auto-populated from the document itself if the system identifies a matching uploaded document

  1. Uncomplete sections of the clinical documentation template are indicated by a red icon, complete sections are indicated by a green icon. Clicking the section name collapses and expands each.
  2. Transcription status can be updated to reflect:
    1. Draft – work in progress transcription efforts whereby a user will come back at a later time to complete it
    2. Complete – completed transcription efforts
  3. The user can save transcription work at any time by clicking the “Save Encounter” button. If the transcription status is marked as complete, this will result in the record being available for coding review within the Coder Queue