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Concurrent Coding Queue

The Coder Queue is a comprehensive interface that allows coders to view all completed encounters and start the concurrent coding process. 

The Coder Queue allows coders to filter records based on client, project, status, or qualification status making it easy to find specific records that require coding. 

The following fields are available in the coder queue:

  • Encounter date time
  • Type (Electronic or Upload)
    • Electronic: an encounter which was captured and documented within the Curitics Provider module
    • Upload: an encounter which was manually added to the Clinical Quality module by way of uploading supporting clinical documentation
  • Transcription Status (applicable only to uploaded encounters)
    • Pending: Transcription has not yet begun
    • Draft: Transcription is in draft status
    • Complete: Transcription is complete
  • Provider First Name
  • Provider Last Name
  • Member First Name
  • Member Last Name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Client
  • Project
  • Current Status
  • Last Updated (timestamp showing when record was last touched)

For electronic encounters, coders can navigate into the Coding interface directly by clicking the “Begin Coding” button available within each record. If the record was added by way of upload, transcription must first be complete to activate the “Begin Coding” option.