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Customizing Telehealth Experience

Configuring Telehealth Service

Configurability exists in Curitics to platform which enable administrators to choose to utilize the in-built Twilio-based telehealth service or specialized 3rd party platforms.

Within the Engagement Studio interface, accessible from the Administrative sidebar, a new option will exist enabling administrators to choose if the Curitics inbuilt telehealth capability should be utilized.

If this is enabled, when scheduling, Curitics will send the Twilio-based URLs generated by the system to members. If this is disabled, the URLs specified within the user records will be sent.

Customizing the Waiting Room Experience When Using In-Built Telehealth

Curitics enables full control around messaging shown to members before, during and after a televisit. To access these settings, navigate to the “Engagement Studio” interface from the main administrative sidebar.

The following message configurations are available:

  • Before Appointment
    Message shown when joining to members at a time before the scheduled appointment
  • Waiting Message
    Shown when the member has joined but the clinician has not yet arrived.
  • After Appointment
    Message shown if member joins link after appointment has taken place

In each of message configuration fields, the following variables can be used to show dynamic content:

  • {appt_date} = Date of Appointment       
  • {appt_time} = Appointment Time        
  • {clinician} = Clinician Name

After finalizing changes, click the “Save Settings” button to update your confirmations.