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Scheduler Dashboard

The dashboard provides different metrics based on the user’s role, with managers having access to more comprehensive data.

The dashboard also provides metrics for outbound and inbound call performance, which are based on all outbound and inbound calls from the call log for today, this week, or this month. 

Filtering and Dynamic User Behavior

The contact center dashboard will provide three filters

  • Filter by client
    • Defaulted to all clients
  • Filter by project
    • Defaulted to all projects
  • Filter by data range
    • Defaulted to current year through now

If the user accessing the contact center dashboard is a manager (is_manager permission), the user will see data populated for all users of the contact center module. If the user is not a manager, data will populate only for themselves.

The dashboard should only populated data for the clients and projects in which the user has been assigned.

Definitions of Metrics and Visualizations

SectionMetricDefinitionDynamic based upon is_manager permission
KPI SummaryActive ClientsShows a count of all clients which are active in the Curitics instance in which the user has been assignedNo
KPI SummaryActive ProjectShows a count of all projects which are active in the Curitics instance in which the user has be assignedNo
KPI SummaryActive MembersShows a count of all members which are active in the Curitics instance in which are assigned to a project which the user is also assignedNo
KPI SummaryTotal AppointmentsShows a count of appointments which have been scheduledIf non manager, metric shows only appointments scheduled by the user
KPI SummaryTotal CallsShows a count of all calls regardless of typeIf non manager, metric shows only calls made by the user
KPI SummaryTotal Outbound CallsShow a count of all outbound callsIf non manager, metric shows only outbound calls made by the user
KPI SummaryTotal Inbound CallsShow a count of all inbound callsIf non manager, metric shows only inbound calls recieved by the user
KPI SummaryVoicemailsShow a count of all voicemailsNo
Scheduled Appointments by ClientVisualizationDoughnut chart visualization showing a count of scheduled appointments by client for clients in which the user is assignedIf non manager, metric shows only scheduled appointments which were scheduled by the user
Scheduled Appointments by ProjectVisualizationDoughnut chart visualization showing a count of scheduled appointments by project for projects in which the user is assignedIf non manager, metric shows only scheduled appointments which were scheduled by the user
Scheduled Appointments by UserVisualizationBar chart visualizations which shows a count scheduled appointments by user which apply to members which have project assignments which match that of the userIf non manager, only one bar would be present for the user (themselves)
Scheduled Appointments by TypeVisualizationDoughnut chart visualization showing a count of scheduled appointments by appointment type which apply to members which have project assignments which match that of the userIf non manager, chart shows only appointments scheduled by the user
Appointments ScheduledVisualizationLine chart showing appointments scheduled, broken down by month which apply to members which have project assignments which match that of the user. Two lines display: active appointments and cancelled appointmentsIf non manager, chart shows only appointments scheduled by the user
Calls by UserVisualizationStacked bar chart visualization showing a count of calls with stacks representing Outbound and Inbound directonsIf non manager, chart shows only calls made/recieved by the user
Member Current StatusVisualizationDoughnut chart visualization showing a count of members by current status which apply to members which have project assignments which match that of the userNo
Average Call Duration by UserVisualizationBar chart visualizations which shows average call duration by userIf non manager, only one bar would be present for the user (themselves)