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User Communication

Curitics offers a unique messaging feature that allows you to communicate seamlessly with other users in the platform. With a simple click on the chat icon located in the upper right corner, you can instantly open the messaging sidebar and begin your conversations.

Communication center in open position:

Direct Messages

Sending a Direct Message:
  1. Open the Messaging Sidebar: If it’s not already open, click on the chat icon to reveal the messaging sidebar. The click “New Message”
  2. On the resulting modal, choose the option for “Direct Message”
  3. Select User: Browse through the list of users displayed or use the search bar to find the specific user you want to message.
  4. Type Your Message: Use the text input field to type your message.
  5. Send: Press Enter or click the ‘Send’ button to send the message.
Reading a Direct Message:
  1. Notification: If you have a new direct message, you will see a notification icon in the header along with the count of unread messages.
  2. Access the Message: Click on the chat icon to open the messaging sidebar.
  3. Read: Unread messages will be highlighted. Click on the conversation to read the new message.

Broadcast Messages

Sending a Broadcast Message:
  1. Open the Messaging Sidebar: If it’s not already open, click on the chat icon to reveal the messaging sidebar. The click “New Message”
  2. On the resulting modal, choose the option for “Broadcast Message”
  3. Type Your Message: Use the text input field to type your message.
  4. Send: Press Enter or click the ‘Send’ button to send the message.
Reading a Broadcast Message:
  1. Notification: If you have a new direct message, you will see a notification icon in the header along with the count of unread messages.
  2. Access the Message: Click on the chat icon to open the messaging sidebar.
  3. Read: Unread messages will be highlighted. Click on the conversation to read the new message.