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Creating Document Templates

The document templating utility within Curitics enables administrators to create any number of output documents utilizing a large library of predefined variables. The documentation tooling enables output to PDF format (additional options available in future release) and offers the ability to generate documentation for a variety of encounter oriented or longitudinal use cases.

Type of Templates

  • Encounter-based
    • Outputs data relevant to a specific encounter
  • Longitudinal
    • Outputs data relevant to member

Variable Library

Variable NameOutput TypeApplicabilityData Element
{curitics_primary_phone}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_telecom.value (where type = phone)
{curitics_primary_email}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_telecom.value (where type = email)
{curitics_preferred_address1}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_address.address1 (where address_preferred =1)
{curitics_preferred_address2}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_address.address2 (where address_preferred =1)
{curitics_preferred_city}StringLongitudinal/ (where address_preferred =1)
{curitics_preferred_state}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_address.state (where address_preferred =1)
{curitics_preferred_postal}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_address.postal (where address_preferred =1)
{curitics_client}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_client (join and transform to string)
{curitics_projects}StringLongitudinal/Encounterpatient_to_project (join and transform to string so result is concat, comma delineated list of project)
{curitics_case_list}TableLongitudinalA tabular list of all cases which the patient has,, episodes.type, episodes.status
{curitics_care_plan}HierarchyLongitudinalSee example in:
This will likely be a larger lift, break into seperate Jira sub-task if required
{curitics_task_list}TableLongitudinalA tabular list of all tasks which the patient has, user_tasks.priority, user_tasks.status, user_tasks.due_date, user_tasks.assigned_user, user_tasks.assigned_team
{curitics_datagrid_{id}}TableEncounterPass an id of legacy datagrid, will output a table of the data contained in the datagrid for the encounter
{curitics_dynamicgrid_{id}}TableEncounterPass an id of dynamic datagrid, will output a table of the data contained in the datagrid for the encounter
{curitics_assessment_{id}}TableEncounterPass an id of an assessment, will output a table of the data contained in the assessment for the encounter